The work I do is Gods work. My talents and abilities are a gift from God. The gift I was given is to be like Jesus and heal others with my hands. Gods gift from me is to use them. It truly is a gift for me to be able to be in the moment when healing others and see their transformation. This is my favorite way to give back by using my gifts; letting it flow.
From time to time when I walk into a room or sit down with a group of people, I spontaneously feel energy. I feel this energy tingle through my hands and sometimes in specific places within the hands or body. A few years ago I had a conversation with a friend when all of a sudden my jaw started to hurt like when I had braces. I asked my friend if his jaw was hurting? He said no why? I proceed to let him know what I felt in my jaw and how I thought it might be coming from him. He let me know that I might have been picking it up from when he had braces and when he had an infection there years ago. I had felt left over stuck energy from the past. I was at a conference last month and within an hour of meeting a friend of a friend, I cleared out old stuck painful energy from his space. I had simply felt Reiki energy in my hands and ask my friend if he needed any and he said sure, but I was guided away to his friend who he had just introduced me to. He was siting on the floor and I sat down in front of him and asked if he knew what Reiki was? He said yes and I asked if his right foot could use it? Yes, he answered and asked "How did you know?" I let him know that the energy told me. At the end of the day I asked him what was up with his foot. He said he had sprained it many times from skate boarding. Once again I had picked up on old energy that just needed to be cleared out. Now there are other times when I can sense when there is current physical pain. Let me clarify that this really isn't me that can sense these things, its the consciousness of oneness, source energy, aka God and Christ Consciousness. I just listen, ask and act. :) This testimonial below is an example of that. But before you read that I will explain how the energy let it self be known. I was at a cafe after a dance event siting with a friend. I was feeling a piercing tingle in my left thumb. I asked my friend if he had an issue with his thumb. He didn't and I let him know that I thought, well there must be someone in this room that does because I'm feeling it in my thumb. Then he asked in an out load announcement to the room if anyone had a thumb issue. The women who responded yes wrote the below testimonial. Testimonial Pulsing numbness deep in my left hand, lasting deep achiness at the base of my thumb deep into the wrist. Aquired by thousands of Tuina treatments of balncing energies and healing with my hands. Creating an a constant streaming emerging pain within myself compounded by over work and little time to myself...classic wounded healer! Took myself on a Sunday break to Cafe Culture for Chai and freinds.Listening to a stream of tunes and the aroma of Praveen's food when a man at a close by table announce.."is there anyone here with a thumb thing going on?.." Very surprised but guided by the deep ache in my thumb i said"yeah. me!" Within the next 20 minutes I met Melissa Laine who with Reiki and astounding healers gift gave a healer back the gift. She asked if it was the left thumb...which it was. I have had many therapies and recogonize very well the feel of Chi movement in the body. She pulled, unraveled and sent spirals of old traumas and pain out my thumb, wrist and arm. Dramatic twitchy jolts of energy sent through me..involuntary movement down through my body into my feet and out. I watched the sweeling leave my hand. I regained my calm and focous. She used her lilting voice to vibrate, ground and harmonize... Was it a miracle...perhaps. But more it was a healer in total trust of her gift. Loving it and sharing it. I am forever grateful for the meeting her this way..And so blessed that she shared this with me. Because it was a gift I will cherish. Denise McQuiston 5-17-2011
AuthorI write Shiny Sentences Archives
September 2014