Everything is spiritual, as we are spiritual beings. therefore every experience is a spiritual experience. So, Everything Is A Spiritual Experience. Even my most recent trip to the car wash. Watch it at this link www.youtube.com/watch?v=K13B2s1sj_c
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A True Healing; A basic understanding of addictions, drugs and distorters,
People want to feel better I've pretty much always been against the use of drugs. Minus a typical teen's experimentation. I have not encouraged it uses amongst those I know. It's even upset me greatly to know of those using hallucinogens amongst my spiritual community. As people self medicate their pain away or into nulled state through alcohol and prescription drugs. Hearing of friends trips and seeing intoxication has actually caused me pain knowing that it does not need to be. I wanted them to know that they don't need to choice this route and wish that they would choose to feel better naturally. I've felt so strongly about this to the point that I haven't wanted to take normal over the counter medicines (drugs) for anything much less a common cold. But recently when I had the first allergy attack of my life, I realized the reason why people do drugs, and have addictions is becuase they just want to feel better. The way in which you go about getting better can vary. I know many ways to help myself and others feel better through alternative energy. It sadenss me to know they choice other, ultimatly les effective measures. This realization gave me new insight as to why I have healing ablities and insights. I am here to show people the other way. Another way to feel amazing, other than what our society has shown us. Though sometimes (as in my recent case) we need a strong convential medication to get our realizations or to help us feel better. And sometimes we don't. I feel this allergy attack was for me to understand how others feel. Since I have a lifetime contract of never wanting or needing to take big time drugs, this was the closest I could get to understanding other's perspectives. As I am empathic by nature, I learn through experience and mimicked feelings of others. Since my conscious awakening I have been able to cure colds with natural remedies. Up until now that is. For me this allergy attack was worse then any cold. And my remedies were not working. I couldn't breath properly to fall asleep and stay asleep. I couldn't funtion normally. It was just bad enough that I had to reach for that thing that I knew would help me. For some people that 's what drugs do for them emotioally. That their life or world is so bad and they don't feel normal that they need to reach out to that thing they choose to make them feel better. To cope, or to hide pain way. Using as a way not to feel pain. "If you acknowledge the pain, and want to change. You can get through anything." - Demi Lovato lyric from the song Together. As that lyric states you have to acknowledge the pain to get better. To truly get better and get clean, not just temporally covering it up. That's what I do, is help others authentically get better emotionally and sometime physically. This evening I had a magic healing experience that got me back in touch with my wings. I came home and did 13 sun salutations on my yoga mat. Really focusing on my breathing and enjoying the feeling of moving my body while taking deep breaths. At the end of the sun salutations I held child's pose continuing to take deep breaths while kundalini rushes waved through my body. Now this is a practice I do a lot, 13 sun salutations, child pose, kundalini, and divine insight. It all seems to flow in when I get IN my body. This evening I heard "Go home, return to your sanctum, your sanctuary." I felt deep into my second chakra where the kundalini convolutions were emanating from. Then I started to see and feel myself hugging the earth and moving into her core. I relaxed in this dark yet comforting womb of the earth. Seeing myself looking at myself as a child of the earth. Returning to the surface with the instructions to "see your self as you really are". My toes and finders started to grow and turn into roots from the tips. The earth had to push me to sit up. I faced my altar and tapped a crystal bowl. I started to move and sway hugging my self so sweetly as if being reborn. I started to call my angels and guides for protection and support in this healing. I called for and exit portal for any in organic energy to leave. Just as I had asked I saw a small skinny tube suck up black ooz from the left side of my spin sending it up and out. This continued for many moments as I sound and shook while a nurse scrubbed my left side. She even had me lift my arm as you would in the shower to scrub your arm pit. Once the ooze was all sucked up immediately I could see and feel distinct large long wide white wings lifting me from my shoulders, relieving pressure from my spine. These wings were completely supporting me, my spine was not doing any of the work, nor does it have to any longer. See I have or had minor scoliosis in the lower part of my back, with a curve to the right, thus making my left side somewhat weak to support it. But I could really feel like my spine has straightened out. I was sitting up straight with full feeling of confidence in my wings. The true wings I had been looking for. I stood up and knew I could take flight. Figuratively and energetically the spine is a false structure. It doesn't actually support us. We are made to believe that WE support ourselves individually with our spine. But no we don't. We are actually supported by what is around us. Our community, the food that grows hopefully near by, the air you breath, and the god source light you let it to lift you up where you belong. Take the physical structure of birds, they all have spines but they do not rely on them for support during flight. They rely on the wind, on mother nature to fly, to move, and to travel all through the tool of using their WINGS. I feel as if I am part of the energetic winged families of birds; owls, doves, hummingbirds, and big wing span birds. As we all are connected to these energies to help us with tasks in this life. Remember how to fly? Just add pixie dust! And let go of trying to solely support yourself. Now is really the time for community, to surround yourself with those who support you to reach your goals from a place of love. Now is more than ever the time to honor the earth, play with her dirt, soil your seeds to grow. Utilize and leverage the natural love energies. You can find it by returning to your body, yourself expansion; your WINGS! FLY little birdies FLY! From the mountain high! Love lifts us up where we belong :) Enough Peacocking, some times you just got to keep it real! A spiritual perspective on the gestures of love. Ok so I saw this video someone had posted on facebook a few days ago. I watched it. It’s cute. I could see the gesture, but it was really just too much. The video is of a flash mod wedding proposal turned instant hitching with a side of Howie Mandel. Really? – you ask. Yes, you should see it for yourself. Shown on some network television reality show called Mobbed. It’s kind of like Punked but for the Flash Mob scene. I would call this flash mob wedding, extreme peacoking. Peacocking defined by the Urban Dictionary, definition number 2. Peacocking is the action or actions exhibited in the beginning stages of courting. These actions are typically only temporary and exist during “the chase” of a mate. Much like a male peacock displaying his fruitful colors of his feathers to capture the attention of a mate. Ok listen up males and ladies, as I’m about to break down the energetic structure of why this does not work! That is an old patriarchal energy code that is being run through primal instincts and lower vibration density fields. A.k.a. this is an old energy that is being phased out. Our world is turning towards more balance between masculine and feminine energies. Meaning, in a metaphorical sense, if new birds were created to represent the energies of our new ways, there would be a mix of bright and subdued colors on all sexes of birds. What? Most male birds have bright colored feathers to attract potential mates, and to distract predators away from nesting females. The females on the other hand have mute, subdued colors that blend in with their earthly surroundings, so that they can stay hidden from predators. Though birds are of very high frequency, we are not they. These gender rolls play out and work for us humans if you are generating and operating your energy from lower charka centers and have not had them properly cleaned out. Specifically the lower three charkas that have to do with security, sex, and creational will power. Now all that can be done in a pure light right of action. But if you have not cleared your compass to act in integrity of how you obtain those energies, it’s gunk city for you. More specifically what I mean is that if you are acting out of alignment within any of those areas with your morals to your unique needs and preferences, your energy and charkas are unclean. But if you are making you money in a moral way, in a monogamous relationship and things such as those you are operating your lower charkas from a good energetic standpoint. When you are running your energies from a high charka center (as most of us do on our accession pathways) you are more concerned with that of heart connections, voicing the truth, and seeing your connection to spirit or god. When operating your energy from the higher charkas within the actions of your lower charkas, you tend to have balanced clean energy with that of the characteristic of the lower charkas and all of your charkas for that matter. This shows up within yourself and between you and your romantic partner. Representing the first three charkas, these are the characteristics of energetically clear relations. You are happy with your home and how you got there. If you live with your partner you share the space together within a balanced agreement. You have relations of spiritual sexual fulfillment. You are creating your wealth doing what you love. You and your partner may be working together in a business that fulfills a similar soul mission. Representing the top three charkas, these are the characteristics of energetically clear relations. You and your partner may be of the same faith or talk about your connection to spirit and exhibit that in your sensuality. You have super crystal clear communication with hardly any disagreement. And when you do have disagreements you are quick to resolve them. You two may be telepathic in finishing each other’s sentences or always know what the other is thinking or feeling. This is seeing through the third eye. Now lets go back the example of this flash mod wedding and take a look at where the male’s energies were coming from. Though he had great intentions, heart, and love to please his potential wife, lets look at how for the most part this pleased him not her. He and the producers of the show executed this from their unclean lower charkas centers, guided by that of the ego. This whole extravaganza gets to make him look good thus pleasing his ego. It doesn’t take into consideration her feelings and leaves her feeling embarrassed. Alert, alert alert, old energy pattern of male dominance, which is currently being taken out to have proper balance. It was also an unclear communication by not letting her know what was going on at all. This is being misleading even though it was for a ‘good cause’; it is still coming form a place of unclean energy. This was a marriage attack, shock and awe, shock and awe! Used to plug your lower charka system into that of heightened sensationalism, similar to that of war and propaganda. Which is what TV tends to do; highjack your system into lower energies to distract you from your higher energies. And besides that, it’s like as if marriages aren’t commercialized enough now you got a sensationalized youtube flash mod wedding video, setting a standard that this is what women want. This isn’t what women want. She just loves him so much that she went along with it. Look at her face when he says, “Let’s just get married right now?’ Her expression looks as if the following dialog may have been running through her head. “Are you fucking kidding me? Right now? No way! You have got to be out of your mind! Oh but my best friends and family are here . . . all these people worked really hard to impress me. It’s being filmed on national television. Well we better be getting paid, none of this free appearance on a reality show bullshit. He wouldn’t have signed an appearance release without a viable contract, only to have me stuffed in an oversize wedding dress and have a 5-dollar tiara that the producers browed from the third place winner of Toddlers and Tiaras, tossed on my head. Nah! Well in that case oh um ok, I’ll marry you now, I guess.” America’s divorce rate is 49%. Well I expect that to go up with the circulation of this video. Unless people can up plug and watch it from a higher conscious awareness. Now how would a marriage proposal that came from a higher charka energy look like? Well anything, and I do mean anything but this! Ok seriously how would it look? A simple heartfelt proposal like this groom’s speech, but only that. Less is more. Delivered within a sweet intimate setting that is meaningful to the couple. Somewhere private or at a small gathering, because it really is about you two, not everyone else. Sorry all you west coast lovey dovey types that must be reading this, as I am from California and have never lived anywhere else, but hey my mom’s from New York so this is my east coast sensibility mixed with my spiritual style, love it and deal with it. The O of Life started connecting into my awareness on 11-22-11 The O of Life is the symbolic and energetic representation of our continuous connectedness through spiritual and earthly oneness. I describe and show this though the following experiences. Tree dream, dreamed on 11-22-11 I woke up this morning from a very vivid dream. I was at a conference where I had to perform 3 skits. The group I was to perform it with had little rehearsal and basically forgot what they were to do. I as well had little rehearsal and forgot for the most part what I was to do. I could tell the group was nervous and didn’t want to do it. So I just pulled it together within myself for the group. I went out there and performed the little that I knew with some improve as the group reluctantly followed suit. I came out of the conference and started walking to find a ride out of town. I had been visiting. As I was walking to find some people to give me a ride I noticed these male lumberjacks cutting down trees in a really heartless, violent way. I must have been in a car as I remember seeing rows of them pass by my sight. These males were just attacking the trees, grabbing them and cutting into them. Like they were angry at them for living. It was almost like witnessing a mass rape. Watching the raping of mother earth. This was the opposite of an orgy. It was a massacre. I was out of the car on the side of the road. It was a long main country road. On the right side of the road I witnessed a huge machine with a big saw arm, just start slicing the trees at the trunks. Cutting the trees off at their heart. Each side of the road had beautiful green forests before the conference. Now it was a scene of gray dust and decapitated trees. I was crying my heart out. I was hugged by a woman who had been witnessing, though I didn’t know her, I felt like I had. I was traveling, only knowing people in the area through the heart family. I was crying and apologizing to the trees on behalf of humans. Sorry for our careless, heartless misuse of you and the materials we make from you. Sorry for all the paper created and used. I was praying in devastation. Wishing more people would send their apologies and forgiveness energies to the trees. Natures Balance On my way to The Oaks Mall today I was listening to a podcast program on how to learn conversational French. I was learning how to say cross, crucifix as I drove up over the grade on the 101 freeway. As I am saying the French word for cross and thinking about ‘how do I say balanced cross?’ I was picturing a balanced cross in my mind, when I saw a big bird flying towards me from the right. It looks like an eagle. As it flew over above the front of my car I noticed it had a white head. “It’s a bald eagle!” I put my hand over my heart and held it there in amazement of the energy I was receiving at the sight of the bird. I also felt very honored. The sighting felt like a confirmation for my dream. To me seeing this was a sign of the rebalancing of the destruction of nature. The photo above of the balanced cross medicine wheel with a bald eagle in it, represents that. Torus Tree
I was having lunch at the Mall's outdoor patio when I started seeing repetitive patterns of Os and Oaks in my life. I live in a place with a lot of Oak Trees. I make Acorn jewelry, the seed for starting the life of another Oak tree and what Native Americans would use for grain. I started to think about other words with the sound "O" and how they are similar in meaning . Here is the list I came up with. Words with meanings of beginnings and continuations in life Oh - a realization Original Origin Orgasm Organism Organ Oats - I've been eating oats in the morning for my basic food foundation Oscillate – another word for vibration Expressive Open Opera Oprah Symbolic mean of the O Descriptive The circle Infinity Cyclical Cycles Movement Continuous Round Nature of the Oak Tree Acorn Oak bark Water I had recently seen the Cirque Du Soleil Show O at the BellagiO. The French word for water is Eau, pronounced O. Trees need water to live. We need water to live. The show explores the concept of infinity and the elegance of water’s pure form, taking as inspiration everything from street theater to elaborate opera. A visual representation of the energy of O is in the tOrus. I could see this energy coming off of the tree in front of me as I made these connections. The structure of the energy of the torus is one we can use to learn, describe and cultivate the energy of nature from within our world on earth and within our energetic body. Trees exhibit this circular balanced structure. There is much to learn from the nature of trees and animals. They are so important not to look over and not to cut down. On this thanksgiving day I am grateful for nature and honoring the earth. Just like the Indigenous Native Americans that had been slaughtered on the first Thanksgiving, our Native Earth trees are currently in a genocide. What are the ways you can honor the earth and the living breathing beings upon it? Use less paper and generate demand for renewable resources and products. Can you give love and forgiveness to what happened to Native Tribes and apologies to trees? Give a home to the bees. Healing the Illusion of the Divine Masculine is what we are doing at this time on our way to awaken consciousness. The recent 11-11-11 was a bit underwhelming for my friends and I. For we have yet to fully reach the great shift in global consciousness. The piece many others and I have been working on to progress spiritual freedom is bringing light to the illusion of the divine masculine. What is the illusion of the divine masculine? To answer that I have to define how I am using the qualities of masculine energy as a representation of the divine masculine. The main masculine characteristic actions are to protect and support. Now divine masculine is the ability to do those actions in the right light of a pure heart. These qualities are not just within males but also with females and the energies running on earth. The energies of protect and support come through males or females in romantic relationships, money structures, government and military systems, as well as within our individual selves regardless of gender or sexual preference. Think about that. Have you protected and supported some in a relationship? How does our government support us? How does the military protect us? How do you spiritual support yourself? How do you financially protect yourself? Those are actions within masculine energies and when you do them from a pure place of giving not to receive, and doing no harm, that is what I consider qualities and actions of the divine masculine. Now I have seen the illusion of the divine masculine through relationships in the past. Where a love interest seems to be giving out of respect, honor and love when in reality it's just a show for their own hidden agenda of selfishness. That is what creates harm intentionally and unintentionally. Lately a few of my female friends have been going through break ups and miss fires of love. Why? So they could see the illusion of the divine masculine for themselves in the aspect of love relationships. Last weekend I was able take a trip to Las Vegas that ended up being a pinnacle place for me to really see how those energies have been disrupted in many other major areas. I've known about how corrupt, patriarchal and unbalanced or society is, but now I was really able to see it first hand. But this time it was not through a love interest, it was through seeing specific overarching energies. I've been in a training ground so to speak of how to spot and decode myths of our everyday life. And it's actually so surprising how clues just stare you in the face. Though most people can't seem to see what is directly in front of them, I have chosen to surround myself with people that can help me see the full picture. While visiting the Luxor my friend pointed out to me the LIE in Believe on Chris Angel's show poster. Wow, how many Lies have we been sold in honor of our believes? How many illusions have we been shown that we have believed? Are these believes based on truth or fabrications? Our TV shows us a world of scripted reality shows and science-fiction masquerades. Do we live in a genre game of reality-fiction? Lets look at the illusions of the Military Industrial Complex and Money Systems. The Military promises to serve and protect. The intensions seem pure enough. Yet what are they really protecting? And who are they really serving and at what cost? Through the sacrifice of many lives of those in the military as well as enormous amounts of innocent people. Now that does not sound like the divine way to serve and protect anyone. The monetary institutions are set up for a sense of security. Wealth can bring freedom, happiness and joy. But what is actually secure? Where does freedom really come from? How can you undoubtedly find happiness? Not through unbalanced and manipulative money schemes that make up our economy. No not through that. How do these deceiving male energies get healed? The healing of the illusion of the divine masculine comes by continually seeing the illusions for yourself. Understanding them, pointing them out, and bringing those who are responsible into accountability. These are the illusions that we as women, feminine energy, and goddesses of mother earth must no longer allow to be here. This healing is to happen so that the masculine energies can be restored in order to properly work with the female. This is what is needed first to create proper balance within the energies of the divine masculine and divine feminine. As this healing takes place you will be able to see societal implications of working together in unison, not separation. I started off my day with a self-guided Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tap session on moving into the next level of professionalism with my healing work as well with other ways of continually growing up in my life. As I addressed my fears around that I noticed I felt like I couldn’t fully breath in. “I asked myself what does this remind you of?” I remembered that this is how I would breath when I was in the pool as a young child. I was scared of putting my head under water in swimming lessons. I had the fear of drowning. Therefore I would be really nervous when I swam from on side of the pool to the other. I would take a quick deep breath on the arm stroke and quickly have to hold the breather under water. I was to scared to blow it out in fear that I might get water in. So I would feel like I could never get enough air in or out. This fear continued when I learned how to tread water. I would take short shallow breaths in fear that I would not be able to keep my head above water long enough. I related these feelings and fears as being carried out through the breath. And if by changing the breath, I could change the fear. In this case no longer a childhood fear of drowning in the water but an adult fear of not staying afloat in my business. As I was tapping I imagined myself treading water breathing in and out deeply and calmly. Letting myself say positive affirmations like, “I can breath easy and calm while treading water in the deep end.” “I can am able to keep myself afloat with my own business.” Later on today I had the surprise opportunity to go swimming. I jumped right into the deep end and started treading water. As I was having an enjoyable swimming experience I noticed the techniques that make you successful at treading water and how they can help you be successful in your business. First off I notice my breath and made the conscious effort to breath deeply and stay relaxed. This is the first thing to do, with any stress full situation; breathing grounds you first and for most so that you are able to take right action. While treading water you have to keep you head up, your chin raised, and eye sight up past the horizon. When starting your own business you should hold you head up and be proud, no mater what you are doing. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as a profession, it’s your own business and you should be proud of it. When treading water you must cup you hands and scoop up the water from you sides and move it under you to support yourself. In this motion your chest has to open up wide. Thus also opening up you heart center. When presenting yourself in business with a wide chest it shows confidence. This automatically opens up the heart. The more loving, caring and full heartedly authentic you can be within your business, the further it will grow and be accepted. So take a deep breath in and out, widen your chest, open up your heart, and keep you gaze set far beyond what you can see. As when swimming, if you get tired or feel like you can’t go on, allow yourself to rest, turn over and float on your back. And always make sure you are a short swim from the shore. The work I do is Gods work. My talents and abilities are a gift from God. The gift I was given is to be like Jesus and heal others with my hands. Gods gift from me is to use them. It truly is a gift for me to be able to be in the moment when healing others and see their transformation. This is my favorite way to give back by using my gifts; letting it flow.
From time to time when I walk into a room or sit down with a group of people, I spontaneously feel energy. I feel this energy tingle through my hands and sometimes in specific places within the hands or body. A few years ago I had a conversation with a friend when all of a sudden my jaw started to hurt like when I had braces. I asked my friend if his jaw was hurting? He said no why? I proceed to let him know what I felt in my jaw and how I thought it might be coming from him. He let me know that I might have been picking it up from when he had braces and when he had an infection there years ago. I had felt left over stuck energy from the past. I was at a conference last month and within an hour of meeting a friend of a friend, I cleared out old stuck painful energy from his space. I had simply felt Reiki energy in my hands and ask my friend if he needed any and he said sure, but I was guided away to his friend who he had just introduced me to. He was siting on the floor and I sat down in front of him and asked if he knew what Reiki was? He said yes and I asked if his right foot could use it? Yes, he answered and asked "How did you know?" I let him know that the energy told me. At the end of the day I asked him what was up with his foot. He said he had sprained it many times from skate boarding. Once again I had picked up on old energy that just needed to be cleared out. Now there are other times when I can sense when there is current physical pain. Let me clarify that this really isn't me that can sense these things, its the consciousness of oneness, source energy, aka God and Christ Consciousness. I just listen, ask and act. :) This testimonial below is an example of that. But before you read that I will explain how the energy let it self be known. I was at a cafe after a dance event siting with a friend. I was feeling a piercing tingle in my left thumb. I asked my friend if he had an issue with his thumb. He didn't and I let him know that I thought, well there must be someone in this room that does because I'm feeling it in my thumb. Then he asked in an out load announcement to the room if anyone had a thumb issue. The women who responded yes wrote the below testimonial. Testimonial Pulsing numbness deep in my left hand, lasting deep achiness at the base of my thumb deep into the wrist. Aquired by thousands of Tuina treatments of balncing energies and healing with my hands. Creating an a constant streaming emerging pain within myself compounded by over work and little time to myself...classic wounded healer! Took myself on a Sunday break to Cafe Culture for Chai and freinds.Listening to a stream of tunes and the aroma of Praveen's food when a man at a close by table announce.."is there anyone here with a thumb thing going on?.." Very surprised but guided by the deep ache in my thumb i said"yeah. me!" Within the next 20 minutes I met Melissa Laine who with Reiki and astounding healers gift gave a healer back the gift. She asked if it was the left thumb...which it was. I have had many therapies and recogonize very well the feel of Chi movement in the body. She pulled, unraveled and sent spirals of old traumas and pain out my thumb, wrist and arm. Dramatic twitchy jolts of energy sent through me..involuntary movement down through my body into my feet and out. I watched the sweeling leave my hand. I regained my calm and focous. She used her lilting voice to vibrate, ground and harmonize... Was it a miracle...perhaps. But more it was a healer in total trust of her gift. Loving it and sharing it. I am forever grateful for the meeting her this way..And so blessed that she shared this with me. Because it was a gift I will cherish. Denise McQuiston 5-17-2011 11:11-10 Maybe it’s the Sacred G Activator stickers I used to decorate my new organization drawers, Beckah Shae’s music, the energy portal that is open today for the 11-11, or the sugar high from the relapse of eating some brownies, whatever the cause may be, I am feeling it! What I am feeling may also have something to do with the fact that we are in Venus retrograde. This is when past loves are known to come up in your life. During pervious Venus retrogrades I have ran into a few past loves unexpectedly, but this time for me it’s about re-uniting with the core love of who I am. It’s about self-love through God’s consciousness. I have been going through a major core cleaning at my family’s home. Going trough old items, getting rid of things I don’t need and organizing that which I do, has really “brought it all up.” Causing emotions to rise up to the surface that I have been trying to ignore. I was able to let myself feel them and release them through a new healing sequence I’ve been using. Well now this sequence is updated to incorporate your God Self consciousness. After I used the clearing sequence, I was praying to god (which is the same thing as asking or commanding the universe) to have my family members and I be fulfilled by our own light. I was crying in joy feeling the unconditional love from god and my star family. I asked how could I have this same love for others? The answer is that I first have to have it for myself. This is where the update comes in. I envisioned and felt the unconditional love of god come down into my body then flow outside of me to form a part of myself fully merged with god. Therefore I was seeing myself as god. Then I asked myself, “Where have I not been fully loving myself?” Woooh, wow wwee, there is no hiding from yourself with that question. Once I understood the answer I immediately felt the limitations fly off behind me as my self-love came in. I was saying the EFT clearing statement to myself “I love, forgive and accept myself.” This is you as god loving, forgiving and accepting yourself. That is powerful. That is true freedom. With god and your god self love you really are invincible. Now I can truly love others in the way I feel love from god because, I gave that love to myself. It’s cliché but true “you can only receive love if you love yourself first.” And I will add this new one “You can only truly love others if you first love yourself.” This is how to honor thy self. This is self-leadership. This is the real peace movement. This is what stops wars and changes the world. This is 2012. This is the shift. This is ascension. It all starts with self-love through god consciousness; Your God Self. Take the lyrics of Beckah Shae’s song “Imagine” “I’m a dreamer, a believer That there’s hope within our reach I’m going to take a stand and agree The healing begins with me There’s a better way We don’t have to die anymore Open up your eyes and see the need We can make a difference with our own lives If we let love arise from the inside Heed the call and be all we were made to be Imagine if we were all rich Imagine if we all knew peace Imagine if we all gave love The way that God gave love We’d have so much more than enough” Choosing to Clear on 10-10-10 A Combination of Clearings On 10-10-10 I drove 8 hours from Northern California to Southern California. I was planning to go to a 10-10-10 gathering about creating a peaceful transition for 2012. I did not leave the day before like I wanted to because I was still preparing for my trip and did not feel ready. So the drive ended up being my event. When I drive long distances I choose to take the time to do my clearing work with different healing modalities that I know. This day was my most epic car clearing ride. Wow, I broke through some major issues by finding out how I really feel about them. I will share one of them with you. But first I want to let you know why I am sharing this with you. I like to be really open and honest in sharing my own process with you because I know others can relate to my experiences. Just through reading my process you can have you own realization for your healing. The first thing I wanted to clear was my issue around money and what was preventing me from growing my business. Now anyone can have an issue with money no matter the size of your bank account. I started the processing off by asking myself a series of basic Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) questions. I also used a new process I have been learning called Access Consciousness. I used that style of questioning and the clearing statement to get laser clear on what I needed to tap about. Through this process I saw the connection that my money flow is indicative of my value flow. I let myself see that my relationship to how I value my work relates to how others value it. I gave myself this time to acknowledge that when I had been explaining my healing work to others I hadn’t been conveying the energy of its importance. I seemed to kind of brush it off like it’s no big deal what I do. This is because it comes easy to me and I expect miracles to happen and they do. This is my normal day-to-day reality. But it’s not like that for everyone. I also was conveying my services in that energy because I don’t want to be a threat to people’s comfort boxes. What I do changes you to the core. We look at your limiting believe patterns, negative habits, and fears to clear them in a loving light. Basically taking your mud, applying a solution, and cleaning it. Change, it can be a scary thing for people. I was holding the belief that I was going to scare people and I did not want to do that. I was also validating my parent’s reality of their value as my own. I wasn’t letting myself convey to others or myself how valuable my healing work truly is. It’s not my parent’s fault. It’s just how we are designed as humans. Up until the age of six we pick up on the patterns of those around us specifically our parents and adapt them as our own. They are our models for how we are to be in this world. We run these patterns as programs from our subconscious that delegates how we should be, do, feel and act for the rest of our lives, or until we Choose to Clear. With this processing I was able to tap in the possibility of feeling confident that I could explain what I do with powerful conviction in a sensitive way. Then I actually practiced what I would say. It came as a divine download in advice for myself and a client who has been hesitant to heal, “You are ready. You just have to let yourself know that.” A Confirmation Sighting The last clearing I did was centered on being worthy to receive self-love and love from others by fully committing to do my life’s purpose. Wow that was a huge one, message me if you want to know more. After that last clearing I stopped to get gas and got back on the road. Immediately when I got back to the on ramp I saw something that made me say out loud “You have got to be kidding me.” I could see what looked like a star flashing red and blue lights. Now I have seen this before. While on a camping trip, a friend and I had been seeing lights like this. He has pointed them out to me as UFOs. They looked very much like stars yet with faint red and blue lights. They would move in alignment with the stars. But the longer we stood and watched them the movements went in different directions. I watched one between two trees that moved slowly left and right. I was intuiting its messages for us. Once I understood the message it had for me it slowly disappeared. Now here I was on the freeway watching a spaceship while trying to drive. I started to doubt if it truly was like the other “stars” I hade described. “Why was it showing it self to me now?” I asked myself, “Well are there any other stars out?” The sun had just gone down and it wasn’t completely dark. I looked to my left and could see one bright star that was most likely a planet. It was not flickering or changing colors. I looked back to the star in question and it had stopped flashing and looked like a normal star. “What, you were just flashing different color lights! If you are a spaceship, Flash, Move!” I commanded it. I looked at where I was driving, and looked back. It started flashing again and was a little higher in the sky. I looked back at the road and back again to the sky. Now it was even higher and turned back to solid white light. I looked back at the road and back again to the light. It was gradually moving straight up. I looked back at the cars and back to the sky again. In order to see the lightship I had to lean up and over the steering wheel. I looked back at the road and back up again, this time I could not see the ship at all. For all I knew it could have hovered high in the sky above my car, because what happened next was a translation from higher dimensional beings. *I concluded that I saw the light in confirmation to the conclusions in the healing I had previously came to* A Message Continuing to drive along I heard intuitively from what I call The Voice “Stop Whaling Ships.” “Ok I am I suppose to work with an organization or spread the awareness?” I asked. I got a feeling this time. It conveyed that I could but it would not be necessary. So then I asked. “What can I do right now to assist in stopping the Whaling Ships, energetically?” Right after I asked that Light Language started flowing through my mouth. It sounded like a mix between Middle Eastern chanting and Chinese. I heard the intent and assisted with the meaning behind the language sounds. I was intuiting and saying in my head while the language flowed, “Cease and desist the whaling ships” Directed towards the whalers, “We forgive you for you know not what you do. Find it in your hearts to be human and stop what you are doing.” To the whales “On behalf of humans, we are sorry, we love and accept you and appreciate you on this planet.” While doing this I thought I hope this works. When I got done. I heard to do it again with the affirmative knowing that this is working. After I spoke a second time I thought 'what about the Dolphins?' Again immediately light language started coming through in the same way. Sometimes when I am light languaging I will repeat a word that starts to sound like an English word. I was repeating what sounded like 'impregnate'. I took that as a prayer for intent that Whales and Dolphins of the Earth to be able to have lots of healthy offspring that survive. So people pray for cetacean pregnancy! There was also a message. “We must stop the Whaling and Dolphin killings if not we will descend.” For our world to ascend we must treat these animals right and keep their populations up. They play an important part of the 2012 Consciousness shift. Please do you part and sign the petitions below and educate yourself on our human like counterparts in the oceans. For me 10-10-10 was a day to do my work, to clear myself to do my greatest purpose on earth. Stop Whaling ships Green Peace http://www.greenpeace.org/usa/en/campaigns/oceans/whale-defenders/ Stop Dolphin Killings The Cove http://www.thecovemovie.com Sign the Petition http://www.savejapandolphins.org/ Scientists say dolphins should be treated as 'non-human persons' http://current.com/1djtk4c http://judithleiber.com/product.cfm?id=109&pos=0 |
AuthorI write Shiny Sentences Archives
September 2014