Enough Peacocking, some times you just got to keep it real! A spiritual perspective on the gestures of love. Ok so I saw this video someone had posted on facebook a few days ago. I watched it. It’s cute. I could see the gesture, but it was really just too much. The video is of a flash mod wedding proposal turned instant hitching with a side of Howie Mandel. Really? – you ask. Yes, you should see it for yourself. Shown on some network television reality show called Mobbed. It’s kind of like Punked but for the Flash Mob scene. I would call this flash mob wedding, extreme peacoking. Peacocking defined by the Urban Dictionary, definition number 2. Peacocking is the action or actions exhibited in the beginning stages of courting. These actions are typically only temporary and exist during “the chase” of a mate. Much like a male peacock displaying his fruitful colors of his feathers to capture the attention of a mate. Ok listen up males and ladies, as I’m about to break down the energetic structure of why this does not work! That is an old patriarchal energy code that is being run through primal instincts and lower vibration density fields. A.k.a. this is an old energy that is being phased out. Our world is turning towards more balance between masculine and feminine energies. Meaning, in a metaphorical sense, if new birds were created to represent the energies of our new ways, there would be a mix of bright and subdued colors on all sexes of birds. What? Most male birds have bright colored feathers to attract potential mates, and to distract predators away from nesting females. The females on the other hand have mute, subdued colors that blend in with their earthly surroundings, so that they can stay hidden from predators. Though birds are of very high frequency, we are not they. These gender rolls play out and work for us humans if you are generating and operating your energy from lower charka centers and have not had them properly cleaned out. Specifically the lower three charkas that have to do with security, sex, and creational will power. Now all that can be done in a pure light right of action. But if you have not cleared your compass to act in integrity of how you obtain those energies, it’s gunk city for you. More specifically what I mean is that if you are acting out of alignment within any of those areas with your morals to your unique needs and preferences, your energy and charkas are unclean. But if you are making you money in a moral way, in a monogamous relationship and things such as those you are operating your lower charkas from a good energetic standpoint. When you are running your energies from a high charka center (as most of us do on our accession pathways) you are more concerned with that of heart connections, voicing the truth, and seeing your connection to spirit or god. When operating your energy from the higher charkas within the actions of your lower charkas, you tend to have balanced clean energy with that of the characteristic of the lower charkas and all of your charkas for that matter. This shows up within yourself and between you and your romantic partner. Representing the first three charkas, these are the characteristics of energetically clear relations. You are happy with your home and how you got there. If you live with your partner you share the space together within a balanced agreement. You have relations of spiritual sexual fulfillment. You are creating your wealth doing what you love. You and your partner may be working together in a business that fulfills a similar soul mission. Representing the top three charkas, these are the characteristics of energetically clear relations. You and your partner may be of the same faith or talk about your connection to spirit and exhibit that in your sensuality. You have super crystal clear communication with hardly any disagreement. And when you do have disagreements you are quick to resolve them. You two may be telepathic in finishing each other’s sentences or always know what the other is thinking or feeling. This is seeing through the third eye. Now lets go back the example of this flash mod wedding and take a look at where the male’s energies were coming from. Though he had great intentions, heart, and love to please his potential wife, lets look at how for the most part this pleased him not her. He and the producers of the show executed this from their unclean lower charkas centers, guided by that of the ego. This whole extravaganza gets to make him look good thus pleasing his ego. It doesn’t take into consideration her feelings and leaves her feeling embarrassed. Alert, alert alert, old energy pattern of male dominance, which is currently being taken out to have proper balance. It was also an unclear communication by not letting her know what was going on at all. This is being misleading even though it was for a ‘good cause’; it is still coming form a place of unclean energy. This was a marriage attack, shock and awe, shock and awe! Used to plug your lower charka system into that of heightened sensationalism, similar to that of war and propaganda. Which is what TV tends to do; highjack your system into lower energies to distract you from your higher energies. And besides that, it’s like as if marriages aren’t commercialized enough now you got a sensationalized youtube flash mod wedding video, setting a standard that this is what women want. This isn’t what women want. She just loves him so much that she went along with it. Look at her face when he says, “Let’s just get married right now?’ Her expression looks as if the following dialog may have been running through her head. “Are you fucking kidding me? Right now? No way! You have got to be out of your mind! Oh but my best friends and family are here . . . all these people worked really hard to impress me. It’s being filmed on national television. Well we better be getting paid, none of this free appearance on a reality show bullshit. He wouldn’t have signed an appearance release without a viable contract, only to have me stuffed in an oversize wedding dress and have a 5-dollar tiara that the producers browed from the third place winner of Toddlers and Tiaras, tossed on my head. Nah! Well in that case oh um ok, I’ll marry you now, I guess.” America’s divorce rate is 49%. Well I expect that to go up with the circulation of this video. Unless people can up plug and watch it from a higher conscious awareness. Now how would a marriage proposal that came from a higher charka energy look like? Well anything, and I do mean anything but this! Ok seriously how would it look? A simple heartfelt proposal like this groom’s speech, but only that. Less is more. Delivered within a sweet intimate setting that is meaningful to the couple. Somewhere private or at a small gathering, because it really is about you two, not everyone else. Sorry all you west coast lovey dovey types that must be reading this, as I am from California and have never lived anywhere else, but hey my mom’s from New York so this is my east coast sensibility mixed with my spiritual style, love it and deal with it.
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AuthorI write Shiny Sentences Archives
September 2014